DIY Documentary: Story Finding

4 Online Classes
Next session: Tuesdays April 5 – April 26

Start Time: 6:30 pm
End Time: 8:30 pm

8 in stock

Suggested price: $150.00

Minimum price: $100.00

SKU: DIY0001 Categories: , Tags: ,
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Workshop description:

Before you pick up a camera, or start digitizing an archive, comes the IDEA — and making sure it’s an idea you love and can commit to creatively takes some practice! This class moves through a variety of ideation processes to build your skills in finding the story ideas right in front of you and further afield; discerning which ideas have potential, and which stories are right for you to tell. Through in-class self-reflection exercises and discussion, guided out-of-class exploration of the world of stories just beneath the surface of everything you might encounter (through archives, neighborhood walks, lenses to examine your own community, and more), and supportive spaces to share and ideate together, you’ll hone your story finding and selecting skills. Together, we’ll generate tons of great ideas, both to pursue in your own projects, and to share with the storytelling community at NW Doc and beyond. Each participant will leave with a collection of fleshed-out story ideas that can become projects, ready for our DIY Story Craft and DIY Filmmaking courses!

Classes will take place via Zoom.



Instructor Max Swanson is a nonfiction/experimental filmmaker/performer, writer, educator, and organizer based in Portland, OR. They believe in the sacredness of a creative and learning container, and love getting to hold those spaces with the students and community members at NW Documentary! They hold an MFA in Film/Video Production from the University of Iowa, currently teach at NW Doc and PSU, and work as a freelance story consultant. They are also a co-producer of the local drag and art collaborative Max & Mars Present.


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